APS Score Calculator for University Entrance
Admission Point Score (APS) is used to determine whether students can gain entrance into university or college – it is calculated using your Matric marks. The marks are separated into percentage brackets, and each bracket has a number of points. Once you know how many points you have for each subject, you can add them together to get your APS.
How is APS calculated?
Here is what you need to know about APS calculations:
- The actual marks in each subject that you get range from 0 to 100%
- Each mark is given a point score that ranges from 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. For example, if your mark in Mathematics is 45% the point score allocated to that mark is 3
- To get your total AP, you add the points of your 6 Matric subjects (this excludes Life Orientation)
The point allocation is as follows:
Matric Subject Symbol / Mark Obtained in Matric exam = APS (Admission Point Score)
- A symbol (80 – 100%) = 7
- B symbol (70 – 79%) = 6
- C symbol (60 – 69%) = 5
- D symbol (50 – 59%) = 4
- E symbol (40 – 49%) = 3
- F symbol (30 – 39%) = 2
- G symbol (0 – 29%) = 1
Remember that Life Orientation does not count toward your APS (Some universities will count it for a single point if you passed, while others will count it for half the allocated number of points. Others will not count it at all).
Here is an example of calculated APS score according to Matric final results:
Tsepho received these results for his Matric NSC final exams and wants to know what his APS score is:
- Mathematics: 65% (APS score of 5)
- English Home Language: 68% (APS score of 5)
- Afrikaans First Additional Language: 59% (APS score of 4)
- Life Orientation: 77% (this result is excluded from the APS score)
- Life Sciences: 81% (APS score of 7)
- Physical Sciences: 71% (APS score of 6)
- Business Studies: 68% (APS score of 5)
His total APS is 32. With this APS result, Tsepho will gain a Matric exemption and be able to pursue Bachelor degree studies at university.